Are You Ready for School Return?
It’s that time of the year again… back to school! You’ve got the new backpack and shoes, but have you found a bus route? Tick one thing off the list by checking your school travel options.
Here’s everything you need to know, from planning your trip and travelling to school safely.
It’s easy to check your timetable
1. Visit the School Services Page
2. Type your school name into the search field.
3. Scroll down to select the relevant bus route to download the PDF timetable. You can also download the service maps for the school.
You can also use Trip Planner to see real time information for your trip:
• Enter your location in the ‘From’ field, such as your home address
• Enter your destination in the ‘To’ field, such as your school name
• Set the date and time you wish to travel, e.g. 8.00am
• Select ‘School bus’ under the ‘Options’ tab to see school buses.
• Look for the school bus icon in your trip plan results.
Stay up to date with Travel apps
Transport apps are your one stop shop to help you plan your trip, access real-time travel information, and let you know about travel disruptions. Explore a list of travel apps and find the one that suits you.
Have a question?
For parents or students that have questions about getting to and from school or need help planning their trip, get in touch with the Newcastle Transport team at contact@newcastletransport.info and we will get back to you.
New to the school bus?
It’s important that school children have confidence travelling to and from school by bus. This includes not only when on board but getting to the bus stop and getting off the bus.
Check out some school travel tips and watch the video.