Celebrate New Year’s Eve at Newcastle Foreshore!
Bring your family and your picnic blanket to enjoy the outdoor fun and festive atmosphere with DJ sets, local performers, roving entertainers, interactive creative zones, and amusement rides along the harbourside precinct as it comes alive with a range of activities spread along Market St Lawn and the Foreshore (along Wharf Rd) between Argyle St and Watt St.
Brought to you by the City of Newcastle, there will be family friendly, inclusive, and fun entertainment for all ages with live music, food vendors and indigenous art workshops. The evenings activities will be spread throughout the precinct, from Lynch’s Hub through to the station, with plenty of space to adhere to social distancing requirements. Find out more about what’s on at https://whatson.newcastle.nsw.gov.au/event/new-year-s-eve-celebration-1
Save travel time and the planet by getting on board Newcastle Transport. Choose your mode this New Year’s Eve:
- Jump on the light rail will be running every 7.5 minutes until 11pm and frequently until 1am – it’s just a 10 minute ride from the Interchange to the Queens Wharf stop.
- Hop on the bus routes 11, 13 and 14 running every 15 minutes into the CBD until 7pm and 30 minutes until late – hop off at King Street at Perkins Street to join in the celebrations. Night Owl services will operate until 3am.
- Bus routes 12, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28 and 47 run regularly to Newcastle Interchange and Marketown, where you can connect with the light rail to get to Newcastle Foreshore.
- All aboard the Stockton ferry – just a quick trip across the Harbour to arrive amongst the celebrations on the foreshore at Queens Wharf.
Just tap on with your Opal card, credit card, debit card, or linked device!
Don’t forget to stay COVID safe by wearing a mask and practising physical distancing on board.
Plan your trip at http://newcastletransport.info or by using your favourite travel app.
Find your favourite travel app at https://newcastletransport.info/plan-your-trip/travel-apps/