Celebrate Newcastle light rail with a free community open day
**This article is from 2019. Please check newcastletransport.info or contact us for the latest information**
Newcastle’s city centre will come alive on Sunday 17 February, with Newcastle Transport hosting a free community open day to celebrate the opening of light rail.
Keolis Downer Hunter Director of Corporate Affairs, Andrew Fletcher said light rail provides Novocastrians with a brand new way to move around the city centre.
“The open day will celebrate this new connectedness, with free light rail services running between 11am and 4pm on the day, and free entertainment and activities at each of the six new light rail stops.
“The open day also gives us an opportunity to thank the community for their patience during the delivery of this major infrastructure project, and the 3,000 plus individuals, mostly locals, who worked on the project.
“Novocastrians should be proud of how the local team has delivered this important project.
“With frequent, reliable services, light rail will serve this growing city as part of a new integrated public transport network in Newcastle.
Community open day entertainment and activities include:
- Newcastle Beach Stop, Pacific Park: face painting, balloon animals, henna tattoos, fairy floss, the Fighter World cockpit, and entertainment on the community stage
- Queens Wharf Stop, Market Street Lawn: games of croquet and giant chess, a string ensemble, kids spinning tea cups ride
- Crown Street Stop: free 10 minute massages and live music by Jason Bone
- Civic Stop, Wheeler Place: magic, monster bubbles, roving entertainers and music
- Honeysuckle Stop, Kuwumi Place: Aboriginal dance, weaving and live performances by Katherine Waria
- Newcastle Interchange: roving street performers and a photobooth
Light rail services will be running frequently between 11am and 4pm on the community open day.
Timetable services will commence on Monday 18 February.
To get into the city centre, plan your trip at newcastletransport.info