More services for Newcastle Transport network
Customers in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie will benefit from more services next month when service improvements are rolled out across the Newcastle Transport network.
Keolis Downer Hunter, General Manager, Emmanuel Genlot said the 160 plus additional services each week are aimed at encouraging people back to public transport.
“These additional services will improve journey times, increase service frequency outside of peak periods and on weekends as well as provide more travel options for our customers,” Mr Genlot said.
“For the first time, we are improving services across all Newcastle Transport modes including bus, ferry, light rail and On Demand services.”
“The operating hours of the Newcastle Transport On Demand service will be extended from 4pm until 6pm on weekdays benefitting Lake Macquarie commuters taking advantage of the new express route service, the 10X.”
“We have added 26 light rail services to improve the frequency late on Saturday nights and throughout the evening on Sundays to 15 minutes, compared to the existing 30 minute frequency. There will also be an additional 52 ferry services a week.”
These services will coincide with the launch of the new 10X express bus route between Charlestown and Newcastle, adding an extra 90 services each week.
“More public transport services will give people the confidence to get on board public transport and activate key areas,” Mr Genlot said.
“Whether you’re moving around the city at night, getting out to explore Stockton or commuting between Charlestown and the CBD, there is more public transport options to suit you.
“These improvements have been informed by Opal data, customer and community feedback, as well as engaging with our staff.”
In addition to the extra services, some bus timetables have been adjusted to improve reliability and connectivity across modes and some school timetables have also been adjusted to better reflect congestion and travel times to get students to and from school.
“Customers will have plenty of time to check their trips ahead of the change, and our Customer Service Officers will also be available to provide personalised travel advice via our virtual travel concierge,” Mr Genlot said.
Changes will be implemented on Sunday 3 April.